The first topic in CX Club is CX Principles and in this video we look at the final four of eleven principles:
H. The customer has an experience and the company may only be responsible for part of it – When someone books a holiday, they have an overall goal in mind – Getting away and relaxing/ having fun, etc. They book a flight, a hire car, insurance, ground transport, entertainment – the airline is only responsible for part of the experience, but should be considering the customer’s overall experience and understanding how they can improve or influence it. This is one of the reasons why organisations with complimentary services partner with each other. However the airline also needs to consider the experience the customer gets from its distributors, suppliers & sub-contractors. The airline may not be in direct control of security, border control, customs & immigration, but they may be in the mind of the customer. The airline should be working with these authorities to improve the experiences their customers get
I. You can’t help to deliver a great Customer Experience if your people are getting a bad Employee Experience – Employee experience and customer experience are inextricably linked. How can we expect the employee to give the customer a great experience if they are getting a bad one? If we look at the service profit chain it tells us that if we give the employees a great experience, they will give the customers a great experience; and if the customers are getting a great experience it will drive improved profitability
J. The ownership of Customer Experience – Organisations often ask themselves who owns the customer and/ or the customer experience. But if you asked the customer who owns their experience, they would tell you that they do. The customer’s relationship is with your reputation; and everyone in the business is responsible for its reputation
K. The connection between Customer Experience & profit – As well as the service profit chain, the Watermark Consulting study conducted every year proves that there is a direct positive correlation between customer experience performance and financial performance of organisations. Customer experience improvements drive profit, period!
In the next topic in the #CX Club series, we look at Leadership Buy-In & Immersion. Please share your thoughts and suggestions about this topic in the comments below this video.